10 places in the apartment where you can not store money

Citizens! Keep money in a savings bank!

With the accumulation of funds, rarely there is a desire to take them to the bank. This is due to the fact that our fellow citizens had to endure for many years, starting from the post-Soviet time. Greater trust than in ourselves, we rarely have anyone to test. This approach to finance requires a secluded place that will not be at risk of detection or, God forbid, damage to banknotes.

Where you can not keep money

Esotericists argue that the welfare of a person depends not only on the ability to earn money, but also on the correct storage of banknotes. To do this, choose places with positive energy, which will allow you to accumulate funds. At the same time, features of the location of savings must be taken into account.

You can’t hide money near or inside the stove, because it symbolizes the fire that burns everything. Storage in a toilet or bathroom is also undesirable, because the prevalence of the elements of water will allow bills to "float away" and will contribute to the accumulation of debts, not capital. The location of the accumulated funds in the bedroom will lead to the fact that finances will "sleep" and lose their ability to increase. Although experts recommend that you earn what you have left for one night under the mattress to give you the opportunity to spend the night and then find the best place to store it.

IMPORTANT! Paper notes are the carrier of negative energy in Feng Shui! This must be taken into account when placing a cache next to personal items or food!

In addition to the influence of esotericism, it is important to consider where, first of all, apartment crackers will look for savings. Feature films show a large number of possible stashes that are popular when storing valuables:

  • behind the ventilation grill;
  • in the toilet bowl;
  • under the mattress;
  • in books;
  • freezer.

All this has long been known to thieves, so they are quickly discovered and emptied. When determining a place for a cache, you need to understand how often you will need to use it. Based on this, it is less accessible, or vice versa. Let's consider in more detail where it is undesirable to add savings.

Under the mattress

This arrangement not only allows financial savings to “sleep” and does not increase in size, but also badly affects the health of the sleeping person. This is due to the negative energy of banknotes, which can spread to humans. Despite this, many, especially older people, use this method of saving funds, due to the fact that they can check and recount at any time.

This place is often used by the younger generation when temporarily staying in a hotel or in a rented apartment. Regardless of age, people forget about the popularity of the method and the availability of hidden money. And during a robbery - they lose their hidden funds.

In a drawer with linen, among clothes

This arrangement of the cache is also often used to maintain accumulated finances. Without emphasizing the ease of detection, the owners fold bills between ironed sets of underwear or pockets of outerwear that hangs in the closet. Of course, no one pays attention to the possibility of transmitting negativity to things. All this can adversely affect both the health and mood of the user of underwear and clothing.

In banks with cereals

The long-known method of saving savings in a bank, but not in a financial institution, but in glass. Such a container, at first glance, can reliably protect banknotes from potential thieves, but in fact, it is easily detected and spreads negative energy to cereals or preserves not only in disguised containers, but also in neighboring food stocks stored in a pantry or other room where such a cache is located.

In the toilet bowl

Such a place, well-known from films, is unreliable due to the mass of reasons:

  • popularity;
  • dampness, which, if accidentally opened, may adversely affect the contents;
  • the esoteric approach of “floating away” money with each discharge of a plumbing fixture.

In books

This method of storage is familiar to the average man not only from the cinema, but also from the classical literature of past centuries. This means that it will not be difficult for thieves who want to find a cache to cope with this task.

On the kitchen

Many households try to hide their savings in the kitchen, where all the inhabitants of the house are charged with positive energy and food, suggesting that they fill positively stored notes. But in fact, there is an opposite process of the influence of banknotes on the favorable atmosphere of the kitchen. The energy of money can affect appetite badly and reduce the emotional mood of people at the table and in the process of cooking.

Among the bedding

When storing notes in bedding, negative energy is transmitted to attributes designed to create comfortable sleep conditions. With this arrangement of the cache, it may cause ailments after sleeping on clothes that were near the money, or the appearance of unpleasant dreams due to undesirable proximity to financial savings.

ATTENTION! This method is very popular, although it was not advertised in films or books. Potential robbers know about him and check the bed first.

In the nightstand, desk drawer

Home furniture often becomes a convenient place to save accumulated funds. But the free access and openness of such an arrangement of finances jeopardizes their integrity with a possible robbery. A constant presence near the bedside table or desk, in which the cache is arranged, allows monetary energy to influence the owner of the home is not the best way.

Freezer, stove

If next to the stove it is undesirable to have storage, then inside - all the more. Not only does negative energy appear in the kitchen and the money is “burned” in a figurative sense, so this meaning can become straightforward if the notes are placed in the oven, and not all inhabitants of the apartment will know about this and use a gas stove to prepare delicious baked dishes.

The freezer will not allow savings to grow, because the ability to freeze products, in the form of an allegory, will shift to finance.

Other places where you can not keep money

In addition to these places, Feng Shui experts do not recommend hiding savings in the hallway. This part of the apartment is already saturated with energy unusual for the owners. In addition, in the corridor a large amount of time is spent with the mood about leaving the house. As if this mood is not transmitted to banknotes.

Of course, they do not recommend leaving funds in a conspicuous place, even if it is a modest casket or a worn case from under an old unnecessary item. The mezzanine and the storage room will also be subjected to a thorough examination by housekeepers, if any, get into the apartment.

From everything described it follows that the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and hallway is not the best place to store money, based on the arguments of the esoteric. All that remains is the living room, in which you can build a cache in such a way that it is difficult to find or impossible to open. How? This is everyone decides on their own.

Watch the video: 10 Secret Hiding Places Already in your Home (April 2024).

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